Baptism Picnic

Church Events

May 5, 2024

Once a year, we celebrate those who publicly proclaim their faith in Jesus through baptism. It is a family affair!

Wear your Trinity shirts of all kinds (VBS, Trinity, Retreats, etc) and celebrate with your friends and family those who are getting baptized.

If you are interested in getting baptized, please contact the office to set up an interview. You can call Debby at 337-406-2801 or send her an email and she will set up an interview with Tyler, Zach, Jodi or Susan. They will talk to you and answer any questions you may have.

Our church family loves to celebrate this important decision with you. We will serve Jambalaya and have a great time. Bring your best dessert to share!

If you would like to volunteer to help set up, serve or clean up, please contact Debby. We need help serving the food and bringing a dessert. Thank you.

Copyright Trinity Bible Church 2021