May Elder Update

Tim Osborne, Elder Board Member

Below is a summary of what was shared with the congregation on May 26, 2024. Each month our elders communicate notable updates for each of the following categories in the life of our church. 


We are closing out our fiscal year in June. We go from July to June every year, and that helps us kind of track our finances and pay our bills and so forth.

So with that in mind, just a quick financial update. It looks like we're going to end the fiscal year with about 10% less income or less giving than the previous year. 

However, we've been living within our means so to speak.  

We've been able to hire a music director, worship leaders, a child-care assistant, and a pastor. We’ve also added hours to our Children's Ministry Director position to fill the child-care coordinator role. God has provided and we've been fortunate to afford the staff additions we've needed. 


The kids and youth buildings in the back are temporary buildings we bought with a ten-year lifespan back in 2005. So we're 20+ years into our ten-year lifespan of those buildings. And so that's going to be something that's really on our radar this year. So keep that in mind as we go forward.

Ministry & Missions 

A lot is happening but here are a few notable things: 

This is a cool story that shows how God uses the whole church, and many parts of one body. 

After the first storm last week we had someone send a prayer request to the prayer team about the roof coming off of Calvary Chapel. We contacted Duane, our mission partner for crisis response. He had tarp being stored in our container. 

Our Trinity Bible Church crises response team got the tarp and a couple of guys from the team were able to tarp the roof of Calvary Chapel before it rained again. The pastor David, said it was an answer to prayer. He hadn't been able to source tarp or find enough people to get it on. It was a great story of God sending out His hands and feet to answer the prayers He hears.  

Living Hope held their crawfish boil for moms the Saturday before Mother's Day and several people from Trinity were able to participate in setting it up. Thanks for continuing to support one of our Mission partners. 

We want to thank those who serve in children's ministry!  Trinity has been around for 40 years now. We've seen many of those little kids that were playing around in the back leading ministries now, and that's a real blessing. So thank you so much for what you do! 

There are so many ways that you can get involved and invested in Trinity. We hope you're taking advantage of that through the Bible studies, the retreats, the ministry opportunities, and being able to serve in various ways.